I hope
everyone felt encouraged by last week’s readings and questions. We learned how
God certainly cares for us when we trust in Him, when we seek the Kingdom of
God above all else, there is no need to worry. I once heard that worrying is sinning because it is a
lack of faith, a fullness of doubt. Definitely makes sense, but if worry is
sin, how much have you sinned today? The opposite
of this is trust, and trust in Jesus is what brings peace of mind and
heart, the only cure that is
available nowhere else. I am so thankful
for the gift of peace of mind and heart that Jesus left us with; I pray I
choose to utilize it daily!
This week
we’ll look at what Jesus said on the topic of our “stuff”. We read last week
not to worry about what we are going to eat or wear, but what if these things don’t just consume our minds, but our hearts. We live in a culture of abundance;
even the families that live paycheck-to-paycheck in this country (present!) are
for sure “wealthy” compared to most of the world. (i.e., half of the world’s
population lives on less than $2 a day. Source: World Bank, 2005) So this week
may be challenging to hear, it’s definitely in opposition to what society might
tell us, but ask God to slowly change your heart to be more like His and He
can! Just spending time in His Word can start big changes. (This week I put all
questions under the verse they refer to. Try one-a -day to give yourself time
to really think and pray on them.)
Here’s what
Jesus said about…
Our Money, Possessions,
& Riches.
-Where are your beloved
treasures stored right now?
Jesus said that’s where our heart's at too.
Jesus said that’s where our heart's at too.
-Does this give a better understanding of what “store your
treasures in heaven” from Matt 6:20 might mean?
-If our happiness is found only in our money, dining,
luxuries, and good times, what does Jesus say we will have to look forward to?
- This parable (story with a lesson) is like Jesus’ version
of “Hoarders” from 2,000 years ago! What is it that you hang on to that you
think will make you happy?
-Jesus said a fool is a person who _______________,
but does
not have a _______________. (verse 21)
-Should giving depend on what’s leftover (your surplus)? How
does giving like the woman did relate back to last week’s topic of worrying vs.

Lord, thank You for giving us godly financial advice. And I pray that my relationship with you will always be
my greatest treasure. Help me to loosen
my grip on my stuff and reach out to You instead. Amen.
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