
Thursday, June 12, 2014


Sometimes I really am searching for my lost shaker of salt... not for my margaritas, I'm out of that phase of life now. But honestly lacking in spiritual saltiness.

Jesus gave his disciples (myself included) the job title of "salt of the earth". (Matt 5:13

And Paul told the Colossian church to be sure their conversations were "seasoned with salt". (Col 4:6)

And so I've known salt to be a good thing, on fries and in life, but never really understood what exactly this spirtual salt stood for. So I did some research and looked into the uses of salt (call me a dork, it's cool)...what I found truly moved me, encouraged me, and convicted me to USE and BE salt.

4 Main Uses of Salt
  • Enhances 
    • Salt enhances the flavor of what already is; it brings out the best in something.
  • Cleanses
    • Salt lifts stains and dirt, removing residue and leaving it much cleaner than it was found. 
  • Preserves 
    • Salt preserves things in a state it is able to remain. 
  • Heals
    • Salt heals wounds and calms irritation. 

Let your words, actions, and entire being enhance, cleanse, preserve, and heal those around you. 
True salt.