My husband and I are budgeters. He kinda converted me to the practice of extreme budgeting, but now we're an Excel-spreadsheet kind of couple. Practically every dollar earned and spent each month is accounted for. While it seems rigid from the outside, there is actually so much freedom and peace of mind in knowing that when we simply stick to the plan, we will have absolutely everything we need that month (and more!). Groceries, bills, gas, date nights, family outings, savings, giving - all allotted and divided into their appropriate amounts. By staying in the given boundaries, and not blowing it all on a whim, we're able to know we will always have enough.

This past weekend I helped host a Faith & Fitness day at our little, local church. We had a solid hour workout class with 3 different instructors and an eye-opening, encouraging discussion on nutrition. We delved into what the Bible says about it all, and enjoyed a luncheon of salad and smoothies with a bunch of lovely, sweaty ladies afterwards. As hard as we worked out, it was such a peace-filled, satisfying morning. And even though I helped lead the event, I ended up hearing and leaving with some serious truth from my nutrition-savy friend. It was along the lines of
when we live within God-given boundaries, like simplicity and self-control, we actually receive freedom in return. Obviously this can be applied to other things in life, but she focused it specifically to food. Living within boundaries provides freedom? This is not something the rest of the world will tell you. The reply might be boundaries are no fun. "Diets" suck. Rules are for breaking. Right? But I know that through other simple, controlled boundaries in life, I HAVE gained freedom. With money and marriage, with alarm clocks, with discipline in parenting, even with monitoring what my eyes see and my ears hear throughout my day - when I set up the boundary, freedom follows.
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free..." Galatians 5:1
So, contrary to my Hot Fudge Sundae self, I'm setting up some boundaries. With two kids and my schedule at home, I can't fit in double sessions at the gym like I did in college. I can't compensate my devout love of food with constant workouts anymore. And really, where's the boundary in that? It's almost like consistently sinning and running to confess, instead of just cutting off the sin. (Not that eating is a sin, unless it's gone to gluttony, then it might be in the running.) Anyway, I've decided to budget my food. To set the limit, to put the "don't pass this line" tape up. And in doing so, I'm expecting freedom, freedom from food. I'm only on Day 3, so I'm still in the baby stages, but this is a big step nevertheless. I'm also expecting God to meet me here, help me, and bless my self-controlled, simplified attempt of honoring Him with my body, specifically what/how much I'm putting into it. So I've got my plan, my budget is laid out, and I'm actually excited to have boundaries in place. Knowing I won't blow it all on a whim, while always having enough. Not feeling entitled to ALL of it, but instead satisfied with ENOUGH of it. Thank you friend for the encouragement; now here's to accountability! :)
You say, 'I'm allowed to do anything' - but not everything is good for you. And even though, 'I'm allowed to do anything,' I must not become a slave to anything. ~1 Corinthians 6:12
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