Last week our little family moved from an older townhouse apartment to a renovated little rancher just 15 minutes down the road. We were looking for a place with a bit more room for our little guy who should be here in about 2 months. It's the third time we've moved together as a family in less than 3 years and moving always comes with some anxiety and stress. We thought since we still have the lease to our old place and since the new place is so close, we wouldn't have to hurry or worry too much. But the back and forth and half in - half out and little expenses all over brought about its own kind of stress.
My husband and I were pretty calm during the actual move day (thanks to lots of help), but a few days in we almost killed each other. Not with any physical whacking, but with words and attitudes that we had not seen in each other for a long, long time. We might have even thought we conquered those ways and we're strong enough not to go back there again. But our pride likes to play with us like that. It amazed me how easy it was for both of us to go back to a wordly, emotion-driven, and downright evil relationship pattern - even if it did just last a few hours. We were wrapped up in our stresses and our fears, and out of the Word and the Spirit. It's a place we have both been before and just looking back there made us realize just how much we hate it.
Thankfully, we have seen the abundant life filled with wisdom and strength and glory and love first hand and we also know the only way to stay in it is to remain in the Lord, Jesus Christ. My hubby shared this Word with me (that happened to be emailed to him the morning after our freakout) and it is now magnetized onto our brand-new fridge so that we can be reminded constantly of how God calls us to treat each other, regardless of stressful circumstances.
"Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love." -Ephesians 4:2
Love your words on this one, Michelle! Gave me life, hope, and conviction this evening!