
Friday, November 4, 2011


So the other night I caught my 3 year old daughter in the bathtub with cups suctioned to her chest. When I asked what on earth she was doing she said, "I'm pumpin my milk!" Lol 
I try to ask for privacy when I'm doing things like that, but it never works and obviously my little girl catches onto things quickly; the trouble is she likes to share her discoveries.

Ever since we brought home her little brother she has been very curious and filled with questions about the whole boy vs. girl thing. And since she is always over my shoulder, she couldn't help but make some obvious observations. So I explained as briefly as I could the difference between boys and girls. Of course I didn't use technical terms because my parenting style is the "I can't handle that yet" kind. (See Potty Talk post) But now my daughter loves to point out which of her classmates, adult friends, family members, random animals, etc. are what. I forgot to tell her that these kinds of topics should generally stay inside our house though.

Which leads us to a couple weeks ago at her preschool when the assistant teacher came out to tell me what happened. They were discussing the similarities and differences between pumpkins and apples.
Similarities like: they are both round, both make pies, both have seeds. Differences: One is orange and the other red or green, one grows on the ground and the other on trees.....

As they sat around in a circle the teacher then asked, "Can anyone else think of any other differences?"

My little girl proudly raised her hand and said, "Boys have wee-wees and girls have -"

"Oook," the teacher interrupted her and quickly diverted the little ones attentions to something else before anything got out of hand.

Well, at least my daughter understood my scholarly explanation of differences. I'll just remember to add a "don't talk about this at school" disclaimer to our next little birds and bees talk! :)

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