
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Jesus Said...3

We’ve been challenged so far to trust and to give, and this week, perhaps the most difficult yet, Jesus says to forgive

Forgiveness is another topic where the rest of the world may say one thing, while Jesus commands the opposite. The world says worry, Jesus says trust. The world says store up, Jesus says give away. The world says it’s ok to hold a grudge, Jesus says let it go. 

If you think about it, the world keeps telling us to think about our self, while Jesus wants us to think about God and subsequently others instead.

When looking on forgiveness and restoring relationships, it’s easy to keep our attention on our self and the bitterness/anger that we are entitled to because of how we were wronged and how it made us feel. Yet staying in that place hurts the same person we’re focused on: our self. What has helped me in my own unforgiveness and bitterness has been turning the attention away from me and up toward God, and in doing so I am given the ability, the reason, the push to forgive others. 

Away from self, toward God, extending to others.

Romans 5:8 reminds us that “God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” While we were still in the wrong, God loved us, showed it, and restored our relationship with Him. We hadn’t yet offered an apology, we weren’t in any way remorseful, perhaps we weren’t even aware of what we had done, but God forgave. “You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins.” (Colossians 2:13) 

God’s forgiveness toward us is the only example and motivation we need to forgive others. If we can keep our focus on what God has done for the sake of our relationship with Him, gratefulness and grace will eventually overflow out into our relationships with others. It's important to realize forgiveness and restoration may or may not involve actual words being spoken, or apologies being offered, or even any recognition of doing wrong (we hadn’t done any of those things when Christ died for us), but forgiveness does involve God. And it’s His sincere desire for you to be like Him and forgive. Here’s what our Savior, Teacher, and Friend said about it…

Forgiveness in our Relationships

        -Relate the story to what Christ has done for you. Who do you hold unforgiveness against?

      -Think of the Golden Rule of treating others the way you want to be treated. If you refuse to forgive others, but desire that God forgives you, are you following Jesus' timeless advice?

      -Think of an example of a speck in a certain friend's eye (a small fault) and a log in your own (a serious sin). Which does Jesus tell us to get a handle on first, another's speck or our own log? Why does this order make sense?

      - According to Jesus, you should forgive that person 2,555+ times a year!  Does this mean you must hang out with them everyday or invite them to hurt you? Where does Jesus tell us forgiveness toward others must come from? (*go back to Matt 18:35)

Lord, thank you for these words, even if they are a little difficult to hear. Thank you that you have forgiven us in Christ and we pray that the least we can do in return is offer that same, undeserved forgiveness to others. I pray I can keep my eyes on You and what you have done for me; please help me to forgive _____________ in my heart. Amen.

He's lucky this wasn't apology number 8 that day  ;)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Jesus Said... 2


I hope everyone felt encouraged by last week’s readings and questions. We learned how God certainly cares for us when we trust in Him, when we seek the Kingdom of God above all else, there is no need to worry. I once heard that worrying is sinning because it is a lack of faith, a fullness of doubt. Definitely makes sense, but if worry is sin, how much have you sinned today? The opposite of this is trust, and trust in Jesus is what brings peace of mind and heart, the only cure that is available nowhere else.  I am so thankful for the gift of peace of mind and heart that Jesus left us with; I pray I choose to utilize it daily!

This week we’ll look at what Jesus said on the topic of our “stuff”. We read last week not to worry about what we are going to eat or wear, but what if these things don’t just consume our minds, but our hearts. We live in a culture of abundance; even the families that live paycheck-to-paycheck in this country (present!) are for sure “wealthy” compared to most of the world. (i.e., half of the world’s population lives on less than $2 a day. Source: World Bank, 2005) So this week may be challenging to hear, it’s definitely in opposition to what society might tell us, but ask God to slowly change your heart to be more like His and He can! Just spending time in His Word can start big changes. (This week I put all questions under the verse they refer to. Try one-a -day to give yourself time to really think and pray on them.)
Here’s what Jesus said about…

Our Money, Possessions, & Riches.

                -Where are your beloved treasures stored right now? 
                 Jesus said that’s where our heart's at too.

-Does this give a better understanding of what “store your treasures in heaven” from Matt 6:20 might mean?

-If our happiness is found only in our money, dining, luxuries, and good times, what does Jesus say we will have to look forward to?

- This parable (story with a lesson) is like Jesus’ version of “Hoarders” from 2,000 years ago! What is it that you hang on to that you think will make you happy?
-Jesus said a fool is a person who _______________, 
  but does not have a _______________. (verse 21)

-Should giving depend on what’s leftover (your surplus)? How does giving like the woman did relate back to last week’s topic of worrying vs. trusting?

Lord, thank You for giving us godly financial advice. And I pray that my relationship with you will always be my greatest treasure.  Help me to loosen my grip on my stuff and reach out to You instead. Amen.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Jesus Said...

This post is for anyone who wants to join me over the next four weeks in some super simple study of what Jesus said. If I desire to imitate Christ, I’ve gotta know what He had to say, right? And He had lots to say! So I’m looking only at the documented words of Jesus himself (found in the Gospel Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John). Some of what came out of Jesus’ mouth is clear as can be, other statements take some thinking through (or praying through, really).

So each week, we’ll take a specific topic and look a just a handful of passages. And while the quotes from Jesus were spoken over 2,000 years ago, you’ll find out each one is super applicable in our 21st century, everyday life. Ask God how to apply it to your life, right now, today. We’ll be able to use the comments section to discuss all sorts of thoughts: how can you improve to better match Jesus’ attitude in this area, who do you know that exemplifies this attitude in their life, what holds you back from acting like this, what verse do you need to stick on your dashboard, etc.

I just planned on compiling this and studying it alone over the summer, but once I started organizing it all together, I thought someone else may enjoy/benefit from this too. So please join me, and my goal also… to know, review, and understand what Jesus said so I can strive to be like-minded.

(I’ll post each topic with verses on Sunday nights. We’ve got the whole week to read them all (in your own Bible or via links provided to the New Living Translation), write them down, pray about em, pick one to memorize, apply them, comment and discuss, yada yada. You can subscribe on here to get it e-mailed to you or I’ll also post to FB. No more about me, here’s what Jesus said…)

Don’t Worry, Trust in Jesus

Matthew 11:28-30
Luke 12:22-31
John 14:27
Matthew 6:34
Matthew 10:28-31

Some questions to think about, answer, or discuss:

-What's the literal definition of yoke? Try a Google image search of yoke and apply it to what Jesus said.

-How does God take care of flowers and birds? According to Jesus, how does God feel about you?

-What gift did Jesus leave us with? Can we get this anywhere else? 

-How much of your day do you spend worrying about tomorrow/the future?

-Do you constantly fear people who might hurt you (terrorists, criminals, etc.)? Who's the only one you should fear? What's your value to him? Feel better now?  :)

Thank you Lord that because of You we don't have to worry. Not about what to wear, if we'll have enough to eat, the future, or even death. Thank you for the peace that comes from trusting in You and the comfort that comes from Your very words. Amen.